Absconded Sex Offenders
The whereabouts of the convicted sex offenders featured on this page are unknown at this time. All were residing in Volusia County and have absconded from their supervision. The information contained on this page was obtained through public records. If you see any of these individuals or have information on their whereabouts, please call the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office at one of the following numbers:
You also can call Crime Stoppers of Northeast Florida at (888) 277-TIPS if you prefer to remain anonymous and would like to qualify for a reward of up to $1,000.
Note: Florida statutes make it a crime to knowingly distribute or publish false information regarding a sexual offender/predator or to materially alter public records information related to a sexual offender/predator with the intent to misrepresent the information.
Please click on the names or photographs below for more information. (The following files are in pdf format if you need the reader you may download it for free here