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District 3 North

Report Date: 01/16/25

Day of the Week: Thursday

Shift: Day Shift

Report Times: 06:00 - 18:00

Case#:   Date: 1/16/2025 Time:   Invest Asgn:  

Header:  ARREST   Location: D3N Alpha Arrest   Business Name:    ZONE:

240024637- Richard Davenport, W/M, 12/14/1957, 147 Fairway Dr., Ormond Beach; 50 counts of Possession of Child Pornography. (Deputy Bionelli)

District 3 North

Report Date: 01/16/25

Day of the Week: Thursday

Shift: Night Shift

Report Times: 18:00 - 06:00

Case#:   Date: 1/16/2025 Time:   Invest Asgn:  

Header:  ARREST   Location: D3N Bravo Shift Arrests   Business Name:    ZONE:

240026340: Logan Thron, W/M, 11/15/1994, 136 Gleason Cove, Sanford; Warrant reference Written Threats to Kill (Deputy Cue/Dahlen)

Case#:   Date: 1/16/2025 Time:   Invest Asgn:  

Header: Miscellaneous Report   Location: CST   Business Name:    ZONE:

The Crime Suppression Team conducted follow-up investigations.

CST assisted patrol with calls for service.

CST is conducting additional follow-ups regarding recent Crime Stoppers tips.

District 3 North

Report Date: 01/15/25

Day of the Week: Wednesday

Shift: Day Shift

Report Times: 06:00 - 18:00

Case#:   Date: 1/15/2025 Time:   Invest Asgn:  

Header:  ARRESTS   Location: D3N Alpha Shift Arrest   Business Name:    ZONE:

250000937- Tyneshia Rozier, B/F, 12/19/1982, 120 Arnold Dr., Daytona Beach; Misuse of Temp Tag (Deputy Mechtel)

250000960- Charles Lewis, B/M, 10/07/1982, 1489 Springleaf Drive, Ormond Beach; Driving While License Suspended (Deputy Mechtel)

250000948- Shaniya Crepsac-Thomas, B/F, 01/11/1998, 1049 Brentwood Dr., Daytona Beach; DWLS (Deputy Hicks)

District 3 North

Report Date: 01/15/25

Day of the Week: Wednesday

Shift: Night Shift

Report Times: 18:00 - 06:00

Case#:   Date: 1/15/2025 Time:   Invest Asgn:  

Header:  Arrest   Location: D3N BRAVO   Business Name:    ZONE:

250000979- Kumar J. Speicher, W/M, 05/04/1978- 11160 Oak Ridge Dr., Jacksonville- VOP Ref. Traveling to meet a minor (Deputy Cue)


Case#:   Date: 1/15/2025 Time:   Invest Asgn:  

Header: Miscellaneous Report   Location: CST   Business Name:    ZONE:

The Crime Suppression Team assisted with follow-up investigations.

250000973- Michael Doudney, W/M, 11/07/1987, 2430 S. Nova Road, Daytona Beach; Driving While License Suspended, Possession of Cocaine and Possession of Narcotic Paraphernalia 

250000973- Kadie Harding, W/F, 01/29/1993, 925 Berkshire Road, Daytona Beach; Trafficking Fentanyl, Possession of Cocaine and Possession of Narcotic Paraphernalia.

District 3 North

Report Date: 01/14/25

Day of the Week: Tuesday

Shift: Day Shift

Report Times: 06:00 - 18:00

Case#:   Date: 1/14/2025 Time:   Invest Asgn:  

Header: ARREST   Location: D3N Charlie Shift Arrest(s)   Business Name:    ZONE:

250000878- John Paligraf, W/M, 07/12/1979, 217 Dawson Brown Rd., Deleon Springs; Warrant for Lewd & Lascivious  (Deputy Graham)

Case#:250000858    Date: 1/14/2025 Time: 0742   Invest Asgn:  

Header: Burglary/Breaking and Entering   Location: Roscommon Drive, OB   Business Name: Thai Elephant    ZONE:32 

R1 was notified that the Thai Elephant’s front glass door was broken. R1 then called law enforcement and deputies responded. A rock was used to break the front glass door to gain entrance into the business.

A small amount of cash was stolen from the business. CID was notified.

District 3 North

Report Date: 01/14/25

Day of the Week: Tuesday

Shift: Night Shift

Report Times: 18:00 - 06:00

Case#:   Date: 1/14/2025 Time:   Invest Asgn:  

Header: ARRESTS   Location: D3N Delta Shift Arrests   Business Name:    ZONE:

250000912- Charles Floro, H/M, 11/09/1998, 9106 Cardinal Cove Cir, Lake Mary; Failure to update reg. address within 30 days (Deputy T. Miller)

250000913- Keith Walsh, W/M, 09/01/1974, 360 Thackery Rd., Ormond Beach; Driving While License Suspended (Deputy Adle)

250000918- Joe Lopez-Castillo, H/M, 09/03/2001, 321 Clifton Ave., Holly Hill; Driving w/o a license (Deputy Dufour)

250000919- Aaron Barnett, W/M, 02/03/1992, 243 Daytona Ave., Holly Hill; Viol. of FL DL non-resident requirement (Sergeant Bayne)


Case#:250000922    Date: 1/14/2025 Time: 2320   Invest Asgn:  

Header: DV Simple Assault   Location: Ormond Beach   Business Name:    ZONE:34 

**Domestic Violence/Closed by arrest.**

V1 and D1 are married and reside together. V1 and D1 became intoxicated and began arguing over relationship issues.

The altercation culminated when D1 grabbed V1's arms and pinned her down on a bed. V1 was able to free herself and call law enforcement.

D1 admitted to the offense. He was charged with the applicable offense and transported to the Volusia County Branch Jail.

Case#:   Date: 1/14/2025 Time:   Invest Asgn:  

Header: Miscellaneous Report  Location: CST   Business Name:    ZONE:


250000880- Anthony Gordon, W/M, 07/17/1987, 101 Bent Tree Drive, Apt. 67, Daytona Beach; VOP warrant

250000882- Anthony Gordon, W/M, 07/17/1987, 101 Bent Tree Drive, Apt. 67, Daytona Beach; Driving While License Suspended

250000891- Douglas Aitchison, W/M, 10/11/1989, 1139 Roberts St., Ormond Beach; Unregistered MV

Case#:250000907    Date: 1/14/2025 Time: 1856   Invest Asgn:  

Header: Theft  Location: Valencia Ave., OB   Business Name:    ZONE:34 

V1 hired Clean And Proper LLC to clean her house. V1 stated her house was last cleaned on 01/13, where she was not home during the service.

V1 stated on 01/14, she discovered numerous items of jewelry missing. The subject who cleaned the house was confronted by V1 via phone and denied the theft.

Deputies attempts to contact the subject were unsuccessful at this time.

District 3 North

Report Date: 01/13/25

Day of the Week: Monday

Shift: Day Shift

Report Times: 06:00 - 18:00

Case#:   Date: 1/13/2025 Time:   Invest Asgn:  

Header:  ARREST   Location: D3N Charlie Shift Arrest(s)   Business Name:    ZONE:

250000803- W/M, Daytona Beach; Warrant for Violation of Pretrial for Aggravated Battery (Deputy Graham)

District 3 North

Report Date: 01/13/25

Day of the Week: Monday

Shift: Night Shift

Report Times: 18:00 - 06:00

Case#:   Date: 1/13/2025 Time:   Invest Asgn:  

Header: ARRESTS   Location: D3N Delta Shift Arrests   Business Name:    ZONE:

250000815- Na'Keem Hover, B/M, 06/17/1989, 100 Tahoe Ct., Daytona Beach; Driving While License Suspended (Deputy Bissonnette)

250000848: Mark Rhoades, W/M, 11/08/1987, Transient, Daytona Beach; Armed trespassing (Deputy Adle)

District 3 North

Report Date: 01/12/25

Day of the Week: Sunday

Shift: Day Shift

Report Times: 06:00 - 18:00

Case#:   Date: 1/12/2025 Time:   Invest Asgn:  

Header:  ARREST   Location: D3N Alpha Shift Arrest   Business Name:    ZONE:

250000751- Edwin Reyes-Munguia, H/M, 01/13/2003, 29 Circle Drive, Daytona Beach; No DL/Never Had (Deputy Mechtel)

District 3 North

Report Date: 01/12/25

Day of the Week: Sunday

Shift: Night Shift

Report Times: 18:00 - 06:00

Case#:   Date: 1/12/2025 Time:   Invest Asgn:  

Header:  ARREST   Location: D3N Bravo Shift Arrests   Business Name:    ZONE:

250000785: Terry Woods, W/M, 09/28/1970, 1065 N. U.S. 1, Ormond Beach; Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (HTO), no motorcycle endorsement, unregistered MV (Deputy Cue/Dahlen)

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