Body Worn Cameras Deployed For All Police Officers
Date Added: January 17, 2018 1:54 pm
All DeLand Police officers are now wearing body cameras to document responses to incidents as well as all contact with citizens.
Over the past several weeks, every uniformed officer, motor officer and uniformed street supervisor was outfitted with a body worn camera. A total of 59 Axon Body 2 cameras were acquired by the department.
“This new technology is important for a number of reasons. The footage captured can be used as evidence in criminal proceedings. It can be used by Police supervisors and Police trainers as a training tool to reinforce best practices for safe citizen encounters. The footage also provides my office of Professional Responsibility critical information to conduct impartial and transparent employee conduct investigations,” said Police Chief Jason Umberger.
“Finally, Body worn camera technology is a tool that provides our agency with a gauge to monitor our commitment to practice the tenants of Procedural Justice which includes treating people with dignity and respect, giving individuals a voice during encounters, being neutral and transparent in our decision making and conveying trustworthy motives.”
The department’s policy requires that every citizen encounter be video and audio taped though extraordinary circumstances may arise that require an officer to act quickly to protect a citizen or themselves.
Before Chief Umberger arrived, the police department chose Vievu Inc. to provide its body worn camera technology. However, many of the cameras ended up needing maintenance and archiving all of the data recorded became a challenge for staff.
A review was conducted by Chief Umberger and staff before the police department selected the Axon Body 2 camera for its officers and the company’s software will be used to manage the footage obtained by officers.
“I am confident these body worn cameras will meet the standard of excellence that we strive for here at the police department,” Chief Umberger added.