Daytona Beach Shores To Host 1st Ever Pickleball With A Cop
Date Added: November 07, 2017 2:24 pm
Lieutenant Michael Fowler
Patrol Commander
Office: 386-763-7586
Cell: 386-527-8273
The Daytona Beach Shores Department of Public Safety will be hosting the first ever Pickleball with a Cop tomorrow morning from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at McElroy Park. Director Stephan Dembinsky invites the entire community to join us for a morning of refreshments, conversation, and friendly competition.
This unique community outreach event was created in an effort for officers and Daytona Beach Shores residents to stay connected. “A large portion of our residents are very active retirees, and pickleball has really caught the interest of many of them,” said Dembinsky. “We decided that instead of asking them to come to us and have a cup of coffee, we would go to them.”
“We enjoy tremendous support from this community, but we never take that for granted,” said Dembinsky. “We want our residents and officers to get to know one another on a more personal level. That helps us serve the community better.”
You don’t need to be a pickleball player to attend, but anyone who beats the officers in a match will win a t-shirt commemorating the event.
For any additional information, please call Lt. Michael Fowler at 386-527-8273.