Officers Focus on Pedestrian Safety
Date Added: November 28, 2016 3:25 pm
Lieutenant Michael Fowler
Office: 386-763-7586
Officers of the Daytona Beach Shores Department of Public Safety will be focusing on pedestrian and bicycle safety in the coming months. Funded by a Florida Department of Transportation grant administered by the University of South Florida, officers will conduct operations between November, 2016 and May, 2017 in which unsafe drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians will be targeted along State Road A1A.
During previous operations, officers repeatedly observed drivers fail to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, occasionally requiring pedestrians to run to avoid being struck. The primary focus at the beginning of the program will be on educating the public about the laws designed to protect pedestrians. Florida law requires drivers to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.
Pedestrians are encouraged to use marked crosswalks whenever possible and not place too much trust the road safety system.
For any additional information please contact Detective Sergeant Michael Fowler at (386) 527-8273.