Law Enforcement Assessors Name Volusia County Sheriff's Office A "Flagship Agency"
Date Added: March 27, 2006 2:16 pm
March 27, 2006
Gary Davidson
Public Information Officer
The Volusia County Sheriff's Office passed its recent accreditation review with flying colors, being selected as one of just a handful of law enforcement agencies around the country to be designated a flagship agency.
The successful review means the Sheriff’s Office will retain its status as a nationally accredited law enforcement agency for another three years. The accreditation review process provides an independent evaluation of the agency and its policies, procedures, programs and facilities to ensure that the department is complying with national law enforcement performance standards. The Sheriff’s Office has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) since 1991.
A team of independent assessors conducted a five-day, on-site review of the department in December as part of the reaccreditation process. The assessment team not only recommended approval of the agency, but was so impressed that CALEA selected the Sheriff’s Office as a flagship agency. This is a special designation reserved by CALEA for agencies that demonstrate excellence in the law enforcement profession.
Meeting in Jacksonville on Saturday, CALEA renewed the Sheriff’s Office’s accreditation for another three years. The Volusia County Sheriff’s Office was among approximately 100 national law enforcement agencies that went before CALEA for either first-time accreditation or reaccreditation. The Volusia County Sheriff’s Office was the only Sheriff’s Office in the country to be named a flagship agency.
Sheriff Ben Johnson said the agency has worked hard to maintain high professional standards and is proud that the Sheriff’s Office was singled out by CALEA. “This is a great honor to be selected as a flagship agency,” said Sheriff Johnson. “It’s a wonderful recognition of our employees and their hard work, professionalism and dedication to public service. You can’t be a flagship agency without great employees, and I’m very proud of them and the work they do each and every day serving the community.”